now I'm on my own side and it's better than being on yours
The Leader
won't you bow down to me?
Name : The MadSound From : In the deepest pits of internet Likes : I can't possibly list all of them Dislikes : They're more than my likes, how do you-- Location : Probably somewhere crying over my feels Motto : Constant Vigilance! (Okay I'm just kidding) Description : How should I describe myself? I am but a mystery for now.
Well, wow. Javascript is just really hard I'm not even kidding. It's like, excuse me for my bad comparisons, taking care of a baby. It's like, commit one mistake, and the baby suddenly cries. I have got to admit, this Javascript thing made me pull my hair (and I swear I now have a bald spot). Despite giving me hair-pulling moments, I found that this coding thing is something I'm kind of good at. Coding is tough business. No kidding. If you have given me the choice of typing up some strings of codes or jumping off a building, then it's quite obvious what I'd choose. Jumping off a building.
When you worked so hard to type in all the codes and stuff and the output won't show up correctly. I'm sorry.
And so, as pathetic as it sounds, I'd rather die. Okay, just kidding. I still have my bucket list to fulfill. In the end though, it's nice to know that I'm good with coding. I manage to correctly perform most of my codes. I commit mistakes though, it's normal. But most of the time, the codes are perfect.
No bragging, what not, it's just.. Fun, I guess? Minus the head-aching moments and those times you just wanna kick the stupid machine. Javascript will surely get on your nerves, but it's worth it. I'm a woman with no ounce of patience at all, but I survived. So, everyone can do this as well. Just... Try not to murder your laptop after encountering a mistake.
This is what you'll probably do when you try Javascript. Prepare to apologize to your table. Frequently.